Evil Jared X Krogi
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Krogi and Evil Jared, a match made in hell. While Evil Jared honed his skills as bass player for the Bloodhound Gang and in TV shows like Circus Halligalli or Promiboxen on Pro Sieben, Krogi made his way from drummer to news anchor and energy booster on Game Two and with german Youtube phenomenon Rocket Beans. Together they bring mayhem to stages all around the world, fuzing DJing, live drumming and fire breathing into one hot melting pot of party and chaos.
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Krogi and Evil Jared, a match made in hell. While Evil Jared honed his skills as bass player for the Bloodhound Gang and in TV shows like Circus Halligalli or Promiboxen on Pro Sieben, Krogi made his way from drummer to news anchor and energy booster on Game Two and with german Youtube phenomenon Rocket Beans. Together they bring mayhem to stages all around the world, fuzing DJing, live drumming and fire breathing into one hot melting pot of party and chaos.
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