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  • Hey ich bin's Günni von RIP ! Wie geht's ?
    Bist noch in Deutschland ? Ich habe gehört du warst dies Jahr garnicht bei Rip ! Ich auch nicht ! Was machst du zur Zeit so ? MfG Günni !
    Yes I used to have short hair, when I was in the Army. After I got out of the Army I decided to grow my hair out.
    uhm, well, I didn't even consider you having long dark hair, which was quite foolish due to the fact that you love Metallica. I think that derives from the fact that you work for the US Army ;)
    :lol: What did you think I look like? It is not a very good picture. It was taken at New Years and I was quite drunk! :lol:

    I will try and take a new picture tonight in Nuernberg.
    I had a totally different picture of your appearance in my mind, but now it seems obvious that you have to look the way you really look :mrgreen:


    P.S. I just deflowerd your pinboard :D
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