Album Releases 2017

Jimmy Pop

like a princess
Aliocha - Eleven Songs
Avey Tare - Eucalyptus
Bondage Fairies - Alfa Gaga Cp Wifi
Boris - Dear
Childhood - Universal High
Cornelius - Mellow Waves
Damian Marley - Stony Hill
Dan Croll - Emerging Adulthood
Daphni - Fabriclive 93: Daphni
Dasher - Sodium
Declan McKenna - What Do You Think About The Car?
Denitia - Ceilings EP
Dizzee Rascal - RASKIT
Euglossine - Sharp Time
Europe - The Final Countdown 30th Anniversary Show-Live
Foster The People - Sacred Hearts
French Montana - Jungle Rules
Gestört Aber Geil - #zwei
Goldfinger - The Knife
Haudegen - Blut, Schweiß & Tränen
Holograms - Surrender
In This Moment - Ritual
Japanese Breakfast - Soft Sounds From Another Planet
John Garner - Writing Letters
Kenny Wayne Shephard - Lay It On Down
Lana Del Rey - Lust For Life
Laucan - Frames Per Second
Layla Zoe - Songs From The Road
Little Barrie - Death Express
Marillion - Misplaced Childhood (Deluxe Re-Release, Vinyl/CD/Blu-ray)
Max Richard Leßmann - Liebe In Zeiten Der Follower
MDK - Manifestation
Mellow Mark - Nomade
Mhysa - Fantasii
Nicole Atkins - Goodnight Rhonda Lee
Nine Inch Nails - Add Violence (EP)
Oscar Dowling - Free And Easy
Paul Heaton und Jacqui Abbott - Crooked Calypso
Pessimist - Pessimist
Ramones - Leave Home (40th Anniversary Deluxe Edition)
Rian - Out Of The Darkness
Rodrigo Gallardo & Nicole Cruz - El Origen EP
Santana - Diamonds Are Forever
Sarah Jane Scott - So Viel
Snow - At Last
Stefanie Hertel - Freunde Fürs Leben
Steve Aoki - Steve Aoki Presents Kolony
Stu Larsen - Resolute
Tau Cross - Pillar Of Fire
The Monkees - Summer Of Love
Tyler, The Creator - Flower Boy
Unisonic - Live In Wacken
Various Artists - Bravo Hits, Vol.98
Various Artists - Tomorrowland - Amicorum Spectaculum
Waxahatchee - Out In The Storm
Wintersun - The Forest Seasons
Yoko Ono - Approximately Infinite Universe
Yoko Ono - Fly

Highlights: Lana Del Rey / Tyler, The Creator


Mos Eisley
22.09. Trailerpark - TP4L

Schauma mal. Die beiden Vorgänger sind leider nicht so langlebig, aber ein paar Monate sollte auch das wieder Freude machen.


Mos Eisley
Echt? Fand ja *indizert* schon ziemlich überragend und hör immer noch gerne mal den ein oder anderen Song.

Joa, der ein oder andere Song läuft bei mir schon auch immer wieder und ich hör die auch nach wie vor gerne, aber ich käme mittlerweile nicht mehr auf die Idee, mir jetzt ein ganzes TP-Album am Stück anzuhören, da ist mir die Musik dann irgendwie nicht zeitlos genug (wobei daran relativ viele Deutschrap-Releases kranken).

Gerade beim Deichbrand haben sie nen neuen Song gespielt. Klassische Abgehnummer, gibt aber hoffentlich noch ein paar größere Banger drauf :D

Jimmy Pop

like a princess
Hopperla :lol:

Alice Cooper - Paranormal
Aliocha - Eleven Songs
Amigos - Zauberland
Anchors & Hearts - Across The Borders
Annie Hart - Impossible Accomplice
Arcade Fire - Everything Now
Bronski Beat - The Age Of Reason (Re-Release)
Ben Lukas Boysen & Sebastian Plano - Everything
Black Fate - Commander Of Fate
Bycantine - The Cicada Tree
Cage The Elephant - Unpeeled (Live)
Callejon - Fandigo
Carmel - Carmel
Couch Slut - Contempt
Cytotoxin - Gammageddon
Death Eyes - Si La Revancha Fuera Una Opcion
Elisabeth Strid & Anguelov - Leuchtende Liebe
Ereb Altor - Ulven
Esmark - Mara I
Esmark - Mara II
Exotica - Musique Exotique #02
Fake Laugh - Fake Laugh
Glue - Glue
Golden Retriever - Rotations
Holograms - Surrender
In This Moment - Ritual
James Vincent McMorrow - True Care
Jonah - Wicked Fever
Joywave - Content
Juanita Stein - America
Juiceboxxx - Freaked Out American loser
Katie Ellen - Cowgirl Blues
Katie Von Schleicher - Shitty Hits
Kay Rush - Unlimited XIX
Lady Bedfort - Das Grauen Im Keller
Lady Bedfort - Die Blutige Baustelle
Lando Chill - The Boy Who Spoke To The Wind
Lapalux - Ruinism
Less Art - Strangled Light
Little Barrie - Death Express
Manchester Orchestra - A Black Mile To The Surface
Mappe Op - A Northern Star, A Perfect Stone
Marc Marshall - Herzschlag
Mark Fosson - Solo Guitar
Masterplan - Pumpkings
Michael Wendler - Flucht Nach Vorn
Milk Teeth - Be Nice
Mr Lif & Akrobatik - Resolution
Nockalm Quintett - In Der Nacht
Oceans Ate Alaska - Hikari
Order - Lex Amentiae
Oro Swimming Hour - Penrose Winoa
Pamn Pam Ida - Optimist
Pan Daijan - Lack
People Like You - Verse
Pet Shop Boys - Nightlife: Further Listening
Pet Shop Boys - Release: Further Listening
Pet Shop Boys - Fundamental: Further Listening
Peter Maffay - Erinnerungen-Die Stärksten Balladen
Popperklopper - Wolle Was Komme
Projected - Ignite My Insanity
Prong - Zero Days
Rage - Seasons Of The Black
Rex Brown - Smoke On This
Rings Of Saturn - Ultu Ulla
Rob Luft - Riser
Ross From Friends - The Outsiders
Samantha Fox - Play It Again, Sam
Sevdaliza - ISON
Shaman's Harvest - Red Hands Black Deeds
Sheer Mag - Neet To Fell Your Love
Snoop Dogg - Neva Left
Suicideyear - Hate Songs EP
Superpitcher - The Golden Ravedays 7
Sweet Apple - Sing The Night In Sorrow
Terence Fixmer - Force EP
The Fall - New Facts Emerge
The Isley Brothers & Santana - Power Of Peace
The Privateer - The Goldsteen Lay
The Rememberables - The Rememberables
TLC Fam - Isbethelo seGqom
Toddla T - Foreign Light
Tommy Finke - Ein Herz Für Anarchie
Twinsmith - Stay Cool
Tyler Leads - Stay Ugly
Umii - This Time
Various - Manchester, North Of England
Various - Pure Pacha Collection 2017
Versengold - Funkenflug
WEN - Carve + Gaze
You Could Be A Cop - You Could Be A Cop
Zervas & Pepper - Wilderland
Zwanie Jonson - Eleven Songs For A Girl

Highlights: Arcade Fire, Manchester Orchestra