Wie grandios ist bitte die neue Folge?!
- Bananas?
- Yes.
- Toast?
- Yes.
- Bubble Gum?
- Yes.
- Pancakes.
- Yes.
- Fries?
- Get out. Get out. There's one every year. I will not tolerate clowning.
- Car keys?
- Yes.
Dan Harmon wurde rausgeschmissen. Das gibts doch nicht.
http://mediadecoder.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/10/08/nbc-delays-premiere-of-community/“Without having to launch these comedies on Friday at this time, we can keep our promotion focused on earlier in the week — plus we will have both comedies in our back pocket if we need to make any schedule changes on those nights. When we have a better idea of viewing patterns in the next few weeks, we will announce new season premieres of ‘Whitney’ and ‘Community.’ ”
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