

Mülheim an der Ruhr (NRW)

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Making a claim of performing a countless number of shows, while on face value may seem noteworthy, does not necessarily speak to the impact a band is able to make while on the road. Seemingly, since the beginning of rock and roll a band could pack themselves in a van and stay out there as long as their heart and soul could endure countless trucks stops and sub par accommodations. So when it is noted that the band Conditions have played over 200 shows it is certainly a testament to their commitment. Perhaps more impressive though, is the tangible payoff and direct impact this band has been making worldwide while grinding it out show after show. Conditions have sold over 16,000 digital songs and over 3,000 CDs on their own as independent artists. They have shared stages in the US and Europe with the likes of Paramore, New Found Glory, Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, and Good Charlotte. They have earned themselves spots on the Vans Warped Tour, Taste of Chaos, Bamboozle Festival, and SXSW Music Conference. This Richmond, Virginia band attributes much of their current success to experiences they all went through playing in previous bands dating back to their high school days. Touring at such a young age has provided invaluable lessons that are still carried with them to this day. While learning from past mistakes may be paying off in the present, all the wisdom in the world will not make up for a lack of quality songs.

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da die Band leider keine Wikiseite hat und auch keine HP hab ich nen Textauszug aus PureVolume genommen
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:


ich finde sie klingen nicht schlecht, aber der oberhammer sind sie auch nicht (meine meinung...)! wenn man sich die tourdates von denen anschaut ist kein gig außerhalb der USA, deswegen ists wohl eher unwahrscheinlich, dass die kommen würden.