Guns N Roses - Chinese Democracy - November 23, 2008


The American Dream
Was noch niemanden aufgefallen ist: Wo ist eigentlich Axl Rose?

Im Booklet sind nur alte Livebilder abgedruckt und seit letztem Jahr gabs von ihm auch kein Lebenszeichen (sprich neue Fotos, Interviews usw.) mehr...

Oh doch, auf Blabbermouth haben sie immer bilder gepostet von dieser Jahr, als er bei parties und sowas angekommen ist.


Nähe Straubing
Für mich ist Chinese Democracy definitv das Album des Jahres. Vielleicht auch, weil ich mir nichts erwartet hatte und auch die alten Gunners nicht so oft höre, muss ich jetzt mal nachholen. Ich find es musikalisch und produktionstechnisch einfach super, trifft genau meinen Geschmack, es rockt einfach. Vllt. würde man anders denken, wenn da ne andere Band drauf stehen würde.
Ich für meinen Teil schließe mich den Reviews an, die das Album für großartig halten. Chinese Democracy setzt für mich noch ein anderes Zeichen: Moderne Rockplatten können dynamisch klingen und müssen nicht clippen, da kann sich Death Magnetic und Black Ice ne Scheibe von abschneiden, die zwei Alben in so einem tollen Mastering wäre einfach nur genial.


The American Dream
Sehr gutes Review finde ich. Eine zweite Chance sollte man dem Album mindestens geben, bevor man sich ein Gesamturteil erlaubt!

Denkst du das wir es nicht mehr als einmal gehoert haben? Ich habe es 5 oder 6 mal gehoert. Es leuft in meine Auto. Meine meinung andert nicht. Jeder hat sine eigene geschmack.

Fur mich ist der album gut aber nichts besonderes. Es ist eine Axl solo album und nicht eine GNR album.


Schon fast ein Großer
Sorry, fals das jetzt n bisschen assig kommt, aber ich möchte anmerken, dass in diesem thread seit 3 Seiten jeder immer dasselbe sagt. sorry, aber das nevt mich grad voll (jaja, man muss es nicht lesen, danke für die info)


The American Dream
Sorry, fals das jetzt n bisschen assig kommt, aber ich möchte anmerken, dass in diesem thread seit 3 Seiten jeder immer dasselbe sagt. sorry, aber das nevt mich grad voll (jaja, man muss es nicht lesen, danke für die info)


Ja das stimmt eigentlich! :lol:

Ich denke hier hat siene meinung und versucht alle andere seine meinung zu uebernehmen.

"We should all just agree to disagree..."


The American Dream
Chinese Democracy nur No. 2 on the Billboard Chart.

"GUNS N' ROSES' 'Democracy' To Debut At No. 2 On Billboard Chart - Nov. 26, 2008

According to Hits Daily Double, the companion web site of music industry tip sheet HITS, GUNS N' ROSES' long-awaited new album, "Chinese Democracy", will move around 300,000 copies (including a reported 25,000 downloads at iTunes on November 23 not counted towards the opening week for the Sunday release) in its first week of release to debut at position No. 2 on The Billboard 200 chart. KANYE WEST's new album, "808s and Heartbreak", will be No. 1 on next week's chart with a total that looks to be between 450,000 and 500,000.

"Chinese Democracy" has topped the iTunes Rock Albums charts across the globe, according to antiMUSIC. The long-awaited effort took the lead on the charts in U.S., U.K., France, Germany, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Finland, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland. The only odd ball holdout was Norway, where GN'R was No. 2 to TIM CHRISTENSEN's "Superior".

GN'R is currently on top of the overall iTunes album charts in Germany, France, Austria, Belgium, Finland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, New Zealand, Sweden, and Switzerland. In the U.S., they are No. 4 behind releases from KANYE WEST, THE KILLERS and COLDPLAY.

They have been denied the No. 1 by THE KILLERS in the UK, Australia, Norway, Portugal and Spain. In France they are No 2. behind SEAL's new album "Soul". And it's a battle of egos in Canada where KANYE WEST is keeping GN'R from topping the overall iTunes album chart."


Hier nochmal was zum "Loudness War", der ja seit "Death Magnetic" heiß diskutiert wird. Die Produktion und das Mastering von Chinese Democracy ist wirklich erstklassig, mal unabhängig von der Musik. Dazu ein Statement von Bob Ludwig, der CD anscheinend gemastert hat.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Guns ‘N Roses:
Dynamics and quality win the Loudness Wars

from Bob Ludwig:

On Sunday, November 23rd the new Guns ‘N Roses record Chinese Democracy was finally released after many years of waiting and many millions spent making it. 14 different recording studios are credited. I was thrilled to have been chosen to master the album.

In October, when I first heard some of final mixes which were incredibly multi-layered and dense, I was surprised by two things: The mixes were so finally honed that doing the smallest move sounded like I had done a lot and also that adding the typical amount of compression used in mastering these days took the life and musicality out of the recordings in a big way.

The trial disc I submitted to the producers had 3 versions: The one I personally liked had no compression that was used just for loudness, only compression that was needed for great sounding rock and roll. Then, knowing how competitive everything is these days, I made two more masterings, one with more compression and another with yet more compression, but even the loudest one wasn’t remotely as loud as some recent CDs. Hoping that at least one of these would satisfy Axl and Caram Costanzo, the co-producers of the record, I was floored when I heard they decided to go with my full dynamics version and the loudness-for-loudness-sake versions be damned.

I think the fan and press backlash against the recent heavily compressed recordings finally set the context for someone to take a stand and return to putting music and dynamics above shear level.

The dynamics vs. volume trade-offs include the act of simply turning your playback volume clockwise a little. True, when shopping the iTunes store your song may not blast out as loudly as other songs. When trying to impress the radio station PD it may be an issue if you don’t have the guaranteed attention this record deserves, however level on the radio broadcast is NOT an issue. As I have been lecturing to people for years, the radio stations are all in competition with each other and they all have devices to make loud things soft and soft things loud and indeed, I heard a critic’s review of Chinese Democracy on NPR and the song examples they played screamed over my portable radio. Even with the radio station compression you can still hear detail in the car… amazing!
I’m hoping that Chinese Democracy will mark the beginning of people returning to sane levels and musicality triumphing over distortion and grunge. I have already seen a new awareness and appreciation for quality from some other producers, I pray it is the end of the level wars.



The American Dream
Gibt es doch eine GNR reunion? Ich glaubs erst wenn es passiert, aber man kann hoffen!

Axl Rose out to reunite original Guns N' Roses line-up

RECORD execs are fuming after Guns N' Roses frontman Axl Rose went missing for two months before the release of the band's comeback album - but word is he has been trying to get the original line-up back together for a world tour.

Bosses at label Geffen are blaming Rose for the disappointing sales of Chinese Democracy - which took 15 years to make and cost at least $30 million - after vanished and refused to promote it.

They actually failed to make contact with him from the day he delivered the final cut.

But the star has reportedly been trying to get the original gang to reunite.

Guitarist Izzy Stradlin is keen to see the original members back together - while Slash's involvement in current band Velvet Revolver looks shaky after they were dropped by their label.

Axl Rose out to reunite original Guns N Roses line-up | The Daily Telegraph


Also wenn das wirklich so kommen würde, und GnR zu RiP kommen dann wird einiges los sein, was Ticketverkäufe und Fanscharen angeht. Selbst ich werde dann trotz meines Zivis nächstes Jahr zu RiP kommen, das wollte ich nur wenn 1-2 Kracher dabei sind.


Axl hat sich im MyGnR-Forum erstmals über Chinese Democracy geäußert. Teilweise ganz interessant:

Axl war oder ist noch immer im
fern,jarmo, bestbuy pics (AXL talks to fans) - Guns N Roses Forum


Hier die Zusammenfassung von allen Fragen / Antworten:

Axl on performing late and being late to gigs?

I've been an after midnight type since I was sneakin' out of my house in Jr. High. With old Guns we preferred 12am or so. When we moved to theaters etc obviously that changes but it's never changed inside me. Doesn't matter what I do so generally that's when I'm more myself. This isn't to mess with anyone that has an early schedule to keep it's just personal preference.

And in regard to the size venues I'm on record as preferring what ever venues allow for our schedule but management and promoters can do a lot in their own interests behind the scenes that can rarely be avoided and their greed or whatever leads to a lot of double talk and ugly behind nonsense that generally eventually ruins things for everyone. Translated once a tour is scheduled however it's like parting the seas to change.

As far as being late, I've been that way my whole life. It drove Izzy crazy but he would check himself and freely admit I was generally actually doing something that had to get done rather than watching basketball etc.

On a video for Better?



Who do you listen to for hardcore blues? I'm a blues singer and I can tell from your work that you have at least got way into a couple of blues records.

Bessie Smith, Zep 1, Robert Johnson, Tumbleweed Connection, Janice.

Regarding multiple albums...

For now we'll concentrate and keep our focus on this album but I will say I've always thought of it as a double.
And no offence but no one's trying to talk in parables. The issues are a bit more complex than anyone would like.

Hey Axl, is the song Atlas Shrugged as epic as the book? Who is your favorite character from the book?

Song doesn't have all that much to do with the book other than trying to do what you believe in and a line about shoulders not being wide enough.

Axl was their ever a cover B and cover C for chinese democracy?

Yes there are. There are 2 more covers/bk cover combos and the real booklet that is all artwork that will be out shortly in some form. It's been an ugly battle that hasn't made any sense to anyone and whether anyone cares about such things the booklet or artwork has always been something I've been passionate about and to release the album with unapproved and unseen final artwork with a !st work only error filled draft when others more recent were readily available still has not been explained but is finally getting cleared up. My fave is the How Are You Grenade cover.

Axl how do you feel about Kanye outselling Chinese Democracy? Do you like Kanye's music?

I met Kanye at the Versace awards. He was very gracious. I love Gold Digger and told him so. I'm a big fan of his stage performance as he seems to go for it physically which I relate more to. B4 r release I sent him a msg that any nonsense from the media had nothing to do with us and wished him the best. I'm humbled we've done as well as we have considering.

Axl do you control the weather or is that solely Oprah?


Jarmo, do you know the reason behind the name Dexter? Is he a fan of the show (on Showtime)? Just curious...No need to reply if the reason is deemed private/personal.
could be because of the guy from The Offspring, too... but I'd rather it be the TV show.

The show and my cat named after the show, she's a methodical killer.

Hi Axl, how's it going?
Just wanted to ask if you had any fond memories from the UK leg of the tour from 2006, particularly the concert in Glasgow in July?

Glasgow was great. I think that's where I got to do a lot of slides on the stage. Was like a race track or something rt?

Axl, thanks for Chinese Democracy which i personally think is your best work.
what's your pick for album of the year?
and have you heard the new MetallicA album?

Ours of course!!
Yes, I like it.

Axl will you tour Australia next year, and when are you looking at doing so?
If you could work with buckethead again, would you have him just in studio, or also would you welcome him in the touring lineup?

Austrailia's great and the crowds are really alive. No plans yet but I'm sure there will be.

I have no issues with Bucket. It's hard to tell what was real or not in things we were told by Merck. He's more than welcome to tour with us in some form or other provided we're both interested at the time and come to some type of reasonable terms. Personally I have a blast w/Bucket on tour and get a big kick out of the guy. A lot of feelings were hurt on this side of the fence in how things went down and unfortunately others used our silence and the public's not knowing for their own purposes at both Bucket's and our expense.

Now that you said that please tell us if Robin's out or not... because, otherwise, we'll be reading several 'Axl wants Bucket back and Robin/Bumble/Richard out' type of threads for the entire '09 year and these threads annoy us, the new lineup fans.

It really is what it is. No decisions have been made by either him, I or us that I'm aware of.

When we're touring or working in the studio or there's social things like a friend's dinner or party whatever we would hang. But as people get older they have their own lives. The Stones aren't going bowling every Tuesday etc.

Robin leads one of the most different lives I know of starting with the trapeze in his backyard to the tv in his closet. Robin's work on the next is done so there's not lots for him to do here except the elusive promo and he'd rather be on stage.

It's more about seeing where things are when Guns decides it's right for a tour and if we're able to make agreements we both are comfortable and can live with at that time.

As a native Colombian I must ask:
In 1992, while performing November Rain in Bogota (in November), it rained.
Wait poured.
How weird was that, eh?

Very surreal and religious feeling. So was being chased by the military in our plane down the runway gettin' outta Dodge there!!

Hi axl!
just wondering what stops you from playing more guitar live?


Hey Axl,
Are you checking your PM's???

Not rt now. It's a bit slow getting around on here rt now.
Let's talk about Catcher!!
Who's 1st?

Axl/Dexter, I'm fixing to pack everyhting I own into my car and drive out to L.A. from Arkansas to give a career in music a shot. Any advice? Or should I just shit in my pants, dive in and swim?

Follow your heart, don't sell out and read every book on the biz u can find.

Catcher is one of the best songs on the album, why no Brian?

There's a few reasons and none of them all that big and definitely not in spite or to slight anyone.

1st off obviously I knew people liked the song but the Brian appreciation really only showed up in force publicly after we had moved on in Guns. In fact Not many seemed to care and most comments were aimed at why Slash in their opinions should be here.

Brians solo itself is a personal fave of mine and I really couldn't understand as he's such a rock legend why it wasn't openly appreciated more at the time.

In actuality all that feel and emotion referred to now had a lot to do with Sean and I and the parts I chose out of Brian's different runs, versions, practice runs etc to make sure we had those elements in one version. It's entirely constructed from edits based around one specific note Brian hit in a throw away take. And though Brian seems to have warmed a bit to it at least publicly he was unfortunately none to pleased at the time with our handiwork.

I remember looking at Brian standing to my left and him staring at the big studio speakers a bit aghast saying "But that's not what I played."

Sean Beavan and I were not in any way tring to mess with Brian we just did what we do and then try and do our best to stand up for our decisions.

Two questions:

1. Is Catcher in the Rye about Lennon/Chapman and as an outside chance Kurt Cobain (took our innocence behind our stares?)

We've had epic discussions about this song.

2. Also, Russian Intrigue, German Warfare are these real titles of albums?

Connected to CD?

Axl are you still thinking of suing Dr Peppers ass?

Sure but the actions taken so far had nothing to do with me and I was taken off guard as I had specifically told our team who fucking cares rt now we have a record to deal with.

My feelings are after their public response. It was cute.

Maybe the guy who got it rolling originally meant well but it turned out sour and maybe it's just me but he seems like maybe he wants a bit too much attention so...

I'm sorry for posting this again! It's just..I don't get this chance everyday!
Ever still think about working with Jeff Lynne I think you two would be fuckin awesome together.
Would you ever give an unkown band a chance to open for you guys?
How do you feel about Double Fantasy? I could see u covering watching the wheels
Have you seen the movie The Aviator any thoughts it is my favorite of all time.

Not presently but he's a true hero of mine.
Absolutely. I think we have or at least relatively but I could be mistaken
Big Lennon fan.
I piss in jars all the time only I throw them at people!! j/k

when are the online shop opening?

I haven't been involved much in any of our merch and the reasons are it's been a mess legally for years. Unbeknownst to most of you I was recently sued again by Duff and Slash for some murky Merckiness that I was unaware and not involved in. Fortunately that was resolved but it got ugly and took a while going into arbitration.

Merck shifted our merch from some of our newer styles to incorporating more of the old with some scam that actually and surprisingly lost sales in comparison but that's old news.

What I look forward to is incorporating the new artwork into our merch and getting some for myself. I think u'll like a lot of it. My vote's for the How Are You grenade and the Sorry automatic rifle artwork on shirts etc.


I do like the lyrics.

I wrote a paragraph or so on the new booklet and more on the story of what's out now but it got lost in the traffic jam.

How do you feel about artists covering your songs ?

Depends but in general it's great.

Hey Axl , whats your favourite song from either Chinese Democracy, or from an unreleased album?

The bridge in "Elvis Presley and the Monster of Soul aka The Soul Monster (working title Leave Me Alone)" which will no doubt end up "Soul Monster".

I think it's r most Black Sabbath moment. Sang it on a Christmas eve. Imo the meanest section of anything I've sung to date. Which having said that I'm sure when it's heard others may disagree but we felt it was a Christmas card of unadulterated venom so to speak. I felt a lot better afterward.

Axl, how is your relationship with the former members/friends of GNR???

Not sure I understand the question.

Axl, do you know of any steak house in the Los Angeles area better than The Cut?

Haven't been but I hear it's great. Maestros T.O. is pretty good.

Someone give me a list of all the alleged song titles at once and I'll tell what's real or not. Most from the past like cockroach soup or eulogy aren't.

Atlas Shrugged
No Love Remains
Take That
When Love Collides (I believe that was the name)

only Atlas

I know this is jumping the gun big time, but any tentative idea when you would like to see the next CD come out?

No, maybe same bat time, same bat channel next year but we'll have to see.

Hey Axl,
Is there anything in the past that you have now looked back on and thought maybe I culd have handled that differently, also what are your ongoing hopes for GnR in the future?
I have cyclothemia and sometimes get this feeling that I cant be around people and need my own space and area, how do you find the bipolar effect you, if you dont mind me asking that is?
thanks again for doing this.


Of course but in the world of sports and litigation....

I've not been diagnosed as being bipolar though many misconstrue statements I made earlier as alluding to such and unfortunately there's been an abundance of misguided or unqualified speculation of various events but I definitely can relate to needing my own space.

In my world all bi polar means (and not to offend or make light of those suffering from a genuine condition or involved with those who are) is that someone can try to take cheap uneducated shots or try to claim I'm bipolar thus justifying why they should get paid a financial settlement for whatever nonsense they're up to. Fortunately that hasn't proved successful.

- What is your honest opinion on why the old lineup disintegrated ?
- What is your honest opinion on why it took so long for CD to come out ?
I think that's what most people want to know but dare not ask ...

2 great but complicated questions and I agree that people would like to know at least my take on things.

Not avoiding them here but they deserve more than I can give as we've been at this a little while. But I'm attempting to speak out on several issues these being a major focus over the coming weeks and months. What I can say now is u've been told a lot of things in order for others to promote themselves that factually they cannot backup in regard to either. They are complicated legally, financially and have devoured a good portion of my life.

The record Chinese u may have is nothing short of a miracle in almost each and every way that either it or I exist imo under the bizarre and ugly conditions of the last over 15yrs.

Thanks everyone and thanks for all the support and the positive comments both 2nite and over the years. I hope to do this again soon, maybe sooner than u'd think! And u didn't scare me off I'm just burnt and would rather not mispeak on issues that may mean a lot to some.

Thanks again.



And Checkmate is a bogus title.

The working title is Jackie Chan.

Total genial und er beweist sehr viel Humor :D
Darum lieb ich den Kerl so ^^
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


Sorry für die Doppelposts, aber vielleicht interessiert's ja doch jemanden:

Richtig gesprächig:

Q:- Will you go back into the studio again to record, or are you done with all the things have recorded currently?

A: Probably and that’s a joke right?

Q: - Will there ever be decent promo and interviews etc concerning this album or is this it?

A: There were imo well thought out plans and strategies that unfortunately were ignored once we were pressing CD’s. There will be proper interviews and some are already scheduled for much later intentionally. God idea, bad…we’ll see. I’m happy the record’s out the rest… one nightmare at a time.

Q: - What is your favourite band atm/ what was the last concert you went to?

A: Don’t really have a fave at the moment. I’d rather not comment so much on what I listen to or what bands etc. That hasn’t turned out well so much and seems especially if I’ve been positive so I’d rather focus on this band. Can’t remember. Actually perhaps surprisingly I’m not so big on live shows personally, never have been. That’s not to say I can’t go to an event and have a good or a great time and really enjoy it.

Q: - Why did you decide to sing that line, "But I don't want to do it" in that voice?

A: Because I like it, feel it absolutely fits the song, is a bit reggae etc and is lots of fun personally.


A: When we can!!

Q: -how do you take very deep emotional things to extract words, notes, songs ?

A: Always different, most times much harder than I’d prefer and of course if it’s about something unpleasant that brings other difficulties into play.

Q: -This I Love is incredible, what's the next song in the trilogy?

A: Not sure, we have an acoustic piece I feel I can really work with and can hear the rest of the ideas for in my head so maybe…

Q : -Hows the autobiography going?

A: Answered.

Q : -What does the future hold for 'OMG'?

A: There’s a remix w/lots of new vocals and a wilder guitar intro but it’s not taken all that seriously.

Q: -Will Brian May appear on Atlas Shrugged?

A: Perhaps on an alternate or bits, on that track it has more to do with recording issues and getting the mix to a good level.

Q: -What had happened to the 01 and 06 supposed DVDs.

A: What DVD’s?

Q: -Thanks for appearing on MJ Fox parkinson disease event.

A: My thanks to Michael, Mohammed and Martin Scorcese for having me.

Q: -Are you gonna come to Croatia

A: I’d like that. Your part of the world has been through so much.

Q: -What part of guitar work for TWAT is yours?

A: I wrote Robin’s bit in the second verse. There’s microscopic bits throughout usually woven down in the other guitars. There bits throughout the end, the basic power chord bit was originally mine, there’s a ghost like bit that formed the basis for the end vocal melody right befor e Robin’s riff’s in one side in the outro before Bucket’s solo and as it gets to the very end there’s lot’s of little over dubbed bits woven in and out very small but structured bits.

Q: And which women influenced the writing of the new ballades.

A: Ha! We’ll get to these a bit later as they’re a bit more complicated than a simple answer of a few names but most are composites and became much more about the song than particular individuals.
Also again I’d like people to have a chance to develop their own relationship with the material a bit. Not dodging as most of these answers will come out over time.

Q: - Axl, will you release the HOB 01/01/01 on dvd, or have it available for download for fans through the gnr site?

A: Asked and answered.

Q: -Do you plan on being on the forums sometimes or is this a one time thing?

A: We’ll see how it goes.

Q: -Any plans on updating the website to make it friendly? And what ever happened to the fan club thing?

A: I’ve started (again) recently to make an attempt to try and get something going there. It’s been extremely frustrating. I’ve had ideas but former management went with theirs. Previous to what we have now I’ve consistently had others attempt to pressure and railroad me into working with others that I chose not to as it was more about managerial control than a good website and not in my best interest so the ideas get shelved and it generally just sits there. Plus as frustrating as it was for everyone it was not time to talk publicly. So it gets consistently shelved.

Q: -What are your views on Contraband and Libertad?

A: I’ll save this one. These are obviously highly charged areas and I’d rather take things one step at a time.

Q: -IF Robin is gone, who would you want to replace him?

A: Good question…!

Q: -What's goin on with this biography of yours

A: Asked and answered.

Q: -Who's Shackler and why does he want revenge?

A: He lives deep within each and every soul stirring only when the moon is right… or to the smell of KFC…. Or as Brain says “Once upon a time there was a Shackler…”

Q: -How'd you get those weird sounds in the beginning of the song that sound sorta like elephants?

A: That’s Bucket’s guitar. Which knowing that, it’s how I hear them and I could understand others having a different impression.

And on another note… I don’t really get the “industrial” rap it gets considering these are guitars with very minimal keys. Some of what may be mistaken for keys are Bucket’s different guitar bits and my underlying background vocals. Imo as it’s not clear to the average listener exactly what’s happening and it’s not something most are used to it tends to get lumped in to a category and by some it’s not so innocent as it’s being cute which again imo does a disservice to the song and the band kinda like how I felt when Sweet Child won a Moonman as heavy metal.

I’ve never been fond of that type of labeling as it tends to try and pigeon hole the material and the band especially in the mainstream media. Though there are others who legitimately enjoy the track and see it that way for their own reasons as well so then maybe it’s not all that important.

Also though Bumble is playing several parts the basis is Bucket and the main verse riff is his and his performance. Bumble’s correct in what he said publicly it’s just that there’s a lot more going on there as well.

Q:-What's a Riad/Bedouin and can you clarify for the last time if the song is Oklahoma or not?

A: Another one step at a time question! It’s not Oklahoma which later became Berlin and subject to change.

Q: -When's the next album coming? Are you still planning the multiyear thing?

A: No idea and that was someone else’s thoughts.

Q: -Why did you only play There Was a Time twice in 2006 and not at all in 2007?

A: Not sure I just go with how things feel at the time.

Q: -I'm glad you dusted off Don't Cry in 2007. Anything else (aside Perfect Crime which was on the setlist) that may be brought back from the dead in the future?

A: I’d like to do Estranged at some point but there’s no plans. I know the guys pick a couple every so often on their own to get down but I don’t know what those are.

Q: - i was wondering if there wil be a dvd release of the tours ya did in 06/07 ?

A: It’d be nice but rt now no plans.

Q: - What's the story behind Crash Diet and why was it never put on to a GNR album?

A: Somethin’ done with Wes and his friend and more about their guitars than Guns.

Q: - What the hell was My World? lol (I've always been curious)

A: Great question and here goes for all your inquisitive minds with a bit you aren’t aware of but is the real story…

Unfinished 1st run 1st dabbling/experimenting all in fun demo that became Duff’s favorite song at the time telling me how he loved to blast it at his house with Ice T and the Bodycount guys before Illusions came out and before it was decided to be on the record. I wanted to try and develop it and wanted guitars of some kind but Slash felt and his words at the Record Plant in all seriousness were “It’s perfect” and Slash and Duff were the deciding factor to have it on the album.

Personally I feel Duff legitimately liked it but I can’t say Slash did in the same way. In fact I feel he was keenly aware some would take issue with the track and against me so for him in that sense it was “perfect”. Imo Duff wasn’t aware or part of that and was “used” unwittingly for support in talking me out of developing it or not including it which at the time I had no real intention of using as is.

Q: -axl did you do a song with eazy-e in the early 90's i would like to hear it if you did eazy-e was tight

A: Answered but it’s nothing like Easy.

Q: -whats your favorite disney animated film and score

A: Hmm… Snow White and “Apple core nothing more…” more a skit than a score. Probably Cinderella but I haven’t listened consciously since I was a kid. If that forever a day line’s from there that was pulled out of my ass or my subconscious which some are certain are fairly close together.

Q: -do you have any fond memories of hanging out with n.w.a.

A: Not that I can share!

Q: -do you like the little mermaid

A: We text. The whole breathing under water and no vagina make things a bit awkward but…

Q: - when would be the earliest we could hope expect a tour/tour announcement.?

A: When we decide on one! Seriously I don’t know I’m focused more on other areas but we are talking seriously. We have a great relationship with our Euro and other areas promoter as well as the promoters in Austraila and Japan and Irving has lots of ideas we just started tossing around.

Q: - Is the song "Sorry", directed at anyone in particular?

A: Answered.

Q: - Have You Watched the fan-made videos online, do you like some of them? any in particular?

A: Only seen bits and pieces.

Q: - Will the rerecorded appetite ever see the light of day?

A: It’s really just adat and maybe but it was just for learning purposes, more like rehearsal’s.

Q: - Will we ever get a documentary of some sort about the rebuilding of Guns and the making of CD?

A: We’ll be talking about the reality of making the record a bit for a while beyond that I can’t say.

Q: Who is in the band?

A: Answered somewhere. It’s more about who’s on the album right now.

Q: - -Did you hear the arcapella version of sweet child of mine in step brothers? what did you think??

A: Haven’t heard yet. Heard it was funny.

Q: - the "next" album ,does it look like that one ? so different style ?

A: Not clear on the question exactly but I’ll take a shot… it’s a lot more different styles than on this one. As I’ve said it seems more like a double album to me meaning Chinese and the followup.

Q: - Can you take a picture of yourself with CD in your hand and add it to the "Do you Have CHinese Democracy" flickr group here Flickr: Do You have Chinese Democracy?

A: Don’t have one yet!!

Q: - - Could you name a few books that you've read lately?

A: Haven’t lately. Bought a book on Blackwater.

Q: - Is music the meaning of your life, if not, what is?

A: My family and Guns seems to be in a lot of ways.

Q: - is the band still in contact with Paul Huge? Any more future plans with him? Guest apperance on tour maybe?

A: Yes, I’m sure there are and maybe.

Q: -has anything disney influenced you musically?

A: More the atmosphere there and Walt Disney’s original intent along with Bucket and others who enjoy Disney and the films than directly music related..

Q: -is it just me or do i hear you say lennon when i play catcher backwards

A: Haven’t noticed. It’s not intentional from me but that doesn’t mean it isn’t there.

Q: -bumblefoot told me in the eddie trunk chat dizzy reed plays pokemon do you play pokemon whos on your pokemon team? and , axl , wii ps3 or xbox360?

A: Haven’t played.

Q: -will there be any cover songs on future albums?

A: Maybe. Haven’t planned.

Q: -are you friends with bill warde? i talk to him alot, can you tell me somthing i can tell him that will freak him out? so i can be like hey bill axl told me you ...bla bla bla etc. whatever

A: Sabbath? :thumbsup:Never met, say hi and all the best!!

p.s. please dawn the white underwear again onstage it looks amazing

A: Ha!! I’m wearin’ ‘em now and skateboarding in my crib filled with blue jello while on acid for I am The Shackler in the Rye with Diamonds!!


Vor allem:

Q: -do you like the little mermaid

A: We text. The whole breathing under water and no vagina make things a bit awkward but…

Zuletzt bearbeitet:


p.s. please dawn the white underwear again onstage it looks amazing

A: Ha!! I’m wearin’ ‘em now and skateboarding in my crib filled with blue jello while on acid for I am The Shackler in the Rye with Diamonds!!

hehehe, axl is lustig!