Guns n' Roses - Chinese Democracy Tour 2011/2012

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Die neue Homepage ist nun online!
Gefällt mir sehr gut, aber das mit den Membership-Preisen ist einfach ne Frechheit..

Und hier die aktuelle Setlist (Webster Hall / New York City)
Mal wieder locker die 3h geknackt. Geil!

-> - Dexter Intro
- Chinese Democracy
- Welcome To The Jungle
- It's So Easy
- Mr. Brownstone
- Sorry
- Shackler's Revenge
- Estranged
- Rocket Queen
- Richard Fortus Solo (007)
- Live and Let Die
- You're Crazy (Slower version)
- This I Love
- Tommy Stinson Solo (Motivation)
- Dizzy solo (Baba O' Riley) [Pitman introduced as Chris "Mother Goose, Suck-My-Cock" Pitman!]
- Street of Dreams
- You Could Be Mine
- DJ Ashba solo (Mi Amor)
- Sweet Child O' Mine
- Riff Raff
- Piano Jam (Another Brick in the Wall)
- Axl Solo (Gran Torino possibly)
- November Rain
- Bumblefoot Solo
- Don't Cry
- Knockin On Heaven's Door
- Civil War (by request)
- Used to Love Her
- Nightrain
- Band Jam
- Madagascar
- Heartbreak Hotel Tease
- Better
- My Michelle
- Band Jam II
- Patience
- Band Jam III
- Paradise City
- My Way (Outro)

Edit: Könnte den Thread mal jemand nach 2012 schieben? :)
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Die neuen Bilder auf der Homepage machen einfach schon jetz so Bock auf das Konzert:


Btw hab mir jetzt doch mal den Premium Membership für die offizielle Homepage / Community geholt. Definitiv eine ganz coole Sache, aber noch ausbaufähig.


So der Membership lohnt sich jetzt schon:

Die Show am Sonntag in Chicago wird für Fanclub-Mitglieder live und kostenlos im Internet gestreamt. Für alle anderen kostet's 5 Dollar oder wenn jemand von einem Fanclub-Mitglied (z.B. mir ;) ) einen Link will nur 3 Dollar + 1 Monat gratis Mitgliedschaft im Fanclub.

-> Aus dem GnR-Newsletter:

Live PPV Event This Sunday
We think about you.
With all the excitement around the NYC Takeover of clubs during Fashion Week, we’ve decided to bring that energy out to you our friends, fans and family who can’t be at any of the UP CLOSE AND PERSONAL shows by way of a stream this SUNDAY, February 19, 2012 LIVE from the HOUSE OF BLUES in CHICAGO on
Don’t you cry (or worry) if you can’t watch it LIVE. We know it may be a lil late or a lil early depending on where in the world you happen to be when Axl hits the House of Blues stage in Chicago, so know that your purchase allows you to watch the show for a full 24 hours from the actual performance.
And even better, as an early subscriber to’s re-emergence, we are getting you 40% off the $5 price plus a free month’s worth of access to NIGHTRAIN – the band’s online fan club. Click HERE to get YOUR $3 price on what is sure to be a highlight of anyone’s PRESIDENT’S DAY WEEKEND in the US.
Be sure to also share the Jungle your friends online via Facebook with – just or Tweet or email this to your peoples with this special discounted link They’ll be west coast strutting with you, Axl, Dizzy, Tommy, Motha Goose, Richard, Bumblefoot, Frank and Dj! LIVE! Or anytime they want over that 24 hour period following the show!
Thanks for being here and helping us make this another best time we can remember.
Happy Belated VALENTINE’S DAY! We love you! You know that we do!
G N’ R

Edit: Anscheinend gibt's den Stream diesmal sogar in HD-Qualität!
Wär so genial, wenn's endlich mal wieder ein richtig gutes Bootleg gibt. Yes.

Edit 2: Hier die VH1-Review für das NYC-Konzert im Ritz (Webster Hall).

Dem kann ich mich bei den Shows, die ich gesehen habe nur anschließen.

Edit 3: Ganz ehrlich. Sollte das mit Gladbach echt klappen und es kommt Estranged... ich werd heulen. Punkt.

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Die Quali des Streams war echt super diesmal.


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Hoffentlich bleibt Axl's Stimme so stark auf der Tour (:

Edit: Den Stream gibt's jetzt noch für ein paar Stunden umsonst für jedermann hier --->
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:


Axl wird nicht bei der Rock n' Roll Hall of Fame Zeremonie dabei sein:

To: The Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame, Guns N' Roses Fans and Whom It May Concern,

When the nominations for the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame were first announced I had mixed emotions but, in an effort to be positive, wanting to make the most of things for the fans and with their enthusiasm, I was honored, excited and hoped that somehow this would be a good thing. Of course I realized as things stood, if Guns N' Roses were to be inducted it'd be somewhat of a complicated or awkward situation.

Since then we've listened to fans, talked with members of the board of the Hall Of Fame, communicated with and read various public comments and jabs from former members of Guns N' Roses, had discussions with the president of the Hall Of Fame, read various press (some legit, some contrived) and read other artists' comments weighing in publicly on Guns and the Hall with their thoughts.

Under the circumstances I feel we've been polite, courteous, and open to an amicable solution in our efforts to work something out. Taking into consideration the history of Guns N' Roses, those who plan to attend along with those the Hall for reasons of their own, have chosen to include in "our" induction (that for the record are decisions I don't agree with, support or feel the Hall has any right to make), and how (albeit no easy task) those involved with the Hall have handled things... no offense meant to anyone but the Hall Of Fame Induction Ceremony doesn't appear to be somewhere I'm actually wanted or respected.

For the record, I would not begrudge anyone from Guns their accomplishments or recognition for such. Neither I or anyone in my camp has made any requests or demands of the Hall Of Fame. It's their show not mine.

That said, I won't be attending The Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame Induction 2012 Ceremony and I respectfully decline my induction as a member of Guns N' Roses to the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame.

I strongly request that I not be inducted in absentia and please know that no one is authorized nor may anyone be permitted to accept any induction for me or speak on my behalf. Neither former members, label representatives nor the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame should imply whether directly, indirectly or by omission that I am included in any purported induction of "Guns N' Roses".

This decision is personal. This letter is to help clarify things from my and my camp's perspective. Neither is meant to offend, attack or condemn. Though unfortunately I'm sure there will be those who take offense (God knows how long I'll have to contend with the fallout), I certainly don't intend to disappoint anyone, especially the fans, with this decision. Since the announcement of the nomination we've actively sought out a solution to what, with all things considered, appears to be a no win, at least for me, "damned if I do, damned if I don't" scenario all the way around.

In regard to a reunion of any kind of either the Appetite or Illusion lineups, I've publicly made myself more than clear. Nothing's changed.

The only reason, at this point, under the circumstances, in my opinion whether under the guise of "for the fans" or whatever justification of the moment, for anyone to continue to ask, suggest or demand a reunion are misguided attempts to distract from our efforts with our current lineup of myself, Dizzy Reed, Tommy Stinson, Frank Ferrer, Richard Fortus, Chris Pitman, Ron "Bumblefoot" Thal and DJ Ashba.

Izzy came out with us a few times back in '06 and I invited him to join us at our LA Forum show last year. Steven was at our show at the Hard Rock, later in '06 in Las Vegas, where I invited him to our after-party and was rewarded with his subsequent interviews filled with reunion lies. Lesson learned. Duff joined us in 2010 and again in '11 along with his band, Loaded, opening in Seattle and Vancouver. For me, with the exception of Izzy or Duff joining us on stage if they were so inclined somewhere in the future for a song or two, that's enough.

There's a seemingly endless amount of revisionism and fantasies out there for the sake of self-promotion and business opportunities masking the actual realities. Until every single one of those generating from or originating with the earlier lineups has been brought out in the light, there isn't room to consider a conversation let alone a reunion.

Maybe if it were you it'd be different. Maybe you'd do it for this reason or that. Peace, whatever. I love our band now. We're there for each other when the going get's rough. We love our fans and work to give them every ounce of energy and heart we can.

So let sleeping dogs lie or lying dogs sleep or whatever. Time to move on. People get divorced. Life doesn't owe you your own personal happy ending especially at another's, or in this case several others', expense.

But hey if ya gotta then maybe we can get the "no show, grandstanding, publicity stunt, disrespectful, he doesn't care about the fans" crap out of the way as quickly as we can and let's move on. No one's taking the ball and going home. Don't get it twisted. For more than a decade and a half we've endured the double standards, the greed of this industry and the ever present seemingly limitless supply of wannabes and unscrupulous, irresponsible media types. Not to imply anything in this particular circumstance, but from my perspective in regard to both the Hall and a reunion, the ball's never been in our court.

In closing, regardless of this decision and as hard to believe or as ironic as it may seem, I'd like to sincerely thank the board for their nomination and their votes for Guns' induction. More importantly I'd like to thank the fans for being there over the years, making any success we've had possible and for enjoying and supporting Guns N' Roses music.

I wish the Hall a great show, congratulations to all the other artists being inducted and to our fans we look forward to seeing you on tour!!


Axl Rose

P.S. RIP Armand, Long Live ABC III

Wenn man den Hintergrund ein wenig kennt, kann man das finde ich ganz gut nachvollziehen. Find ich okay und freu mich umso mehr auf das Konzert in 'Gladbach :)


Nähe Straubing
Nope, mir gefällts nicht. Soll er halt machen was er will, aber man hätte ja wenigstens zusammen da stehen können und sich bedanken, hätte niemanden umgebracht, ich hätte ja eh nicht erwartet, dass sie nen Song spielen würden...

Aber werd mich nicht weiter drüber aufregen, war von Axl leider nicht anders zu erwarten...


Noch ein Update von Axl:

To: Cleveland, Ohio, Guns N' Roses Fans and everyone who's shown support for my decision regarding the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame.

I seriously didn't plan on or expect the overwhelmingly positive response and public support for my decision regarding the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame. With such a generous outpouring of solidarity from fans, media outlets, writers and other artists, I'm truly humbled, blown away and unbelievably relieved! To be honest, I thought it would go the other way and was just hoping to weather the storm. As I said, I sincerely didn't want to disappoint anyone. It gets old being the outlaw even if "it's only rock and roll".

It took a lot of focus and soul searching to be sincere and informative while making a genuine effort to be somewhat diplomatic. We made, what I feel, are real efforts to learn about the Hall and the Board, spoke as I said with the president and various members, and though I inducted Elton John and Bernie Taupin in '94 saying something to the effect of "I'm learning what the Hall's about..."

I still don't exactly know or understand what the Hall is or how or why it makes money, where the money goes, who chooses the voters and why anyone or this board decides who, out of all the artists in the world that have contributed to this genre, officially "rock" enough to be in the Hall?

This isn't an attack. These are genuine issues I don't have enough verified information on to have more than rough ideas. Certainly not enough information to make any judgments about.

I would like to apologize to Cleveland, Ohio for not apologizing to them beforehand for not attending [the ceremony] in their city. I think they know how much I genuinely love performing there. Cleveland does in fact Rock!!

Now that the smoke's cleared a little, any desperate, misguided attacks have been just that, a pathetic stab at gossip, some lame vindictiveness, the usual entitlement crap, he's obsessed, crazy, volatile, a hater. I once bought a homeless woman a slice of pizza who yelled at me she wanted soup. We got her the soup. You can get your own.

Again: HUGE thanks to the fans and to everyone for the incredible public support. My congratulations to the other artists inducted. And my apologies to the city and people of Cleveland, Ohio. I hope you'll forgive me and we hope to see you again soon!

Keep Rockin',


Unlike my open letter to the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame, Guns N' Roses Fans and Whom It May Concern this was written for GNR's official website, Facebook account and my personal twitter account and not intended as a press release. If anyone does choose to pick this up as has been done previously I'd appreciate if you'd run in full including this paragraph so as not to give a partial picture, have things taken out of context or to imply or inadvertently give the impression this was intended for other outlets.

Thanks in advance. Peace-


Sehr interessantes Interview mit Marc Canter:

Besonders interessant ist v.a. das Slash auf Chinese Democracy spielen sollte:

It’s similar to the situation with Chinese Democracy. It was finished in 2001. I mean finished. There was a possibility that Slash could have played on a few tracks if he were willing to apologize to Axl and in the press for the things that he had made public about Axl allegedly blackmailing him. Axl was cracking the door open and saying “If you apologize publicly for the things you said about me forcing you out I have three songs and I’d like you to play on them”. They were three songs that Slash had written on and Axl wanted to do something with them and include them on Chinese Democracy which would have been so cool. That was never going to happen because Slash was too “cool” to apologize publicly...

"Axl maintains that yes, he did want them to sign it, he wanted that control in case something bad like a death should ever happen so that control of the band would not go into the hands of wives or girlfriends but he never, ever stated he would not go onstage."

"Axl was right about that in a sense but the way that Slash lies is that he lies to make himself look cool for the most part. He’ll lie on occasion to twist out of something because every now and then he gets caught in a corner."


Nähe Straubing
Ich hab da nicht so den Einblick, aber was man so ab und an hört, ist einmal Slash ein Arsch und das nächste mal Axl...meistens hat man den Eindruck von letzterem.
Nichtsdestotrotz sind beide erwachsen und könnten sich vertragen, aber das wird wohl ein Wunschtraum bleiben.


Ich denke die Wahrheit liegt irgendwo dazwischen.
Duff z.B. hatte ja nie ein Problem, weder mit Axl noch mit Slash.. am interessantesten wäre es mal aus seinem Mund zu hören, was da wirklich abgegangen ist. Aber er hält sich zu dem Thema ja mehr als nur zurück; leider.

Aber Axl die Diva und Slash mit seinem riesigen Ego.. das ging halt irgendwann nicht mehr gut und daran werden wohl beide ihren Anteil gehabt haben.


Zu Gast bei Freunden
Ostwig (Sauerland/NRW)
aufgrund wohl nicht so guter nachfrage verscherbeln die "Händler" die Tickets bei ebay für 30 Euro :mrgreen: Ticket soeben geordert!! Hell Yeah


Ja schauma mal. Weiß auch noch nicht genau, wann wir da ankommen werden, etc.. Und thanks für die Info, hab grad für 25 € noch nen zusätzlichen Kumpel an den Start gebracht :)

@ roman: Das heißt: Harry ist auch wieder dabei! :D

Edith sagt: Morgen geht's übrigens los in Moskau :)
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